Sequence PurFlo Basket Strainer (Special Order)

MFG ID: 24170488

  • Sale
  • $489.95
  • Regular price $603.64
  • 4 available

Sequence medium-duty PF model strainers have a clear or gray PVC body and a basket made of stainless steel or acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS). The standard port dimension is a 2” male thread that comes with adaptors that have a slip port. You can expect higher quality molding processing, finer materials, and excellent performance.


Parts Sheet
File Size: 414.42 kb


Sequence is the leader in high efficiency, external pumps for water features and koi ponds. From the compact model 750 and workhorse model 1000 to the self-priming, integrated basket strainer and power series models, there is a pump for every application. All units are assembled and pre-tested at the Colorado manufacturing facility.

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