Savio UVinex 'High Output' System (For Savio Standard & Compact SkimmerFilters)


  • Sale
  • $223.90
  • Regular price $319.00

The Best way to Eliminate Free Floating Algae

A natural and safe approach to control all types of unwanted algae. The new Savio HO (High Output) UVinex system is as durable as ever with their stainless steel junction and long lasting transformer for a natural and safe approach to control unwanted algae. Now higher output UVinext lamp put out even more UV light to combat hard to control algae issues

When properly used these UVinex systems also assist in the control of parasites and bacteria. Providing clear, clean, safe, pristine water. Great when there are small children and pets around!

A great product that assist in making your water feature one step closer to a maintenance free existence.

 Product Manual


Important Note: The UVinex unit will require a special Retrofit Bracket for mounting into the older Compact & Standard SkimmerFilters manufactured before 2007. For Standard SkimmerFilters bracket is available for either right side or left side mount. Side is selected based on standing behind the skimmer and facing the pond.


Standard Skimmerfilters    
UV Size Max GPH Max Pond Gallons
One 35 Watt UVinex HO 2500 2400
Two 35 Watt UVinex HO 5000 4800
One 55 Watt UVinex HO 4750 4500
Two 55 Watt UVinex HO 9500 9000
Compact Skimmerfilters    
UV Size Max GPH Max Pond Gallons
One 28 Watt UVinex HO 2400 2500

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