'A. Siebert' - Pink Day Blooming Tropical Lily (Bare Root)

MFG ID: 2531

  • Sale
  • $52.50
  • Regular price $66.85
  • Will be in stock after

Large pink star-shaped flowers on tall stems. Green leaves. Medium spread. Good for medium to large ponds 

    - Pro Tip -

    Plant in a large container (2 - 7 gallons) or larger, using heavy loam soil, place 1 - 2 feet beneath the surface of the water in full sun. Fertilize during the growing/blooming season!


    *Non-native species cannot be shipped to MN 

    **Ships via 1-3 Days Delivery method. 

    ***Plant Orders are shipped from MONDAY to WEDNESDAY of each week. Orders placed on Wednesday to Sunday will be shipped the following week.


    Few things to remember pertaining to Bare Root plant orders

    Damage can occur when plants are left in the sun, or all day on a porch in hot weather. If possible, have them shipped to an address where they can be cared for immediately, or provide instructions for where a carrier can leave them in the shade. Open the box immediately upon receiving your plants, and put them in a cool shaded spot. Plant ASAP, preferably the same day, keeping them cool and moistened until they are in the pond or in the ground. Roots should be given special attention to prevent drying.


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